Silent Assassin 3.0!
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Wicked's Bio

Yes I know I'm intresting *bursts out laughing* yeah sure!

UR ordinary couch potatoe

*Chain saw*

Brett Scallions!!!! *drool* :*)

Aliases: Wicked, or in the past Psycho Kittie
B-day: June 12, 198_
Weight: Ah Im fine.
Height: 5'3 Yeah so what?! >: (
Fighting Style: The art of Kick Yo @$$ in other words street fighting techniques ex. Take that bitch down by her weave and beat her ass like stupid! (Sum boxing and sport karate..)
Fav genres: Alternative, R&B, techno industrial, hip hop, and punk rock.
Fav quote: "When women are depressed we shop and eat when men are depressed they envade another country its just a whole diffrent concept of thinking."

Favorite Tekken Characters: Nina (duh), Bryan, Hwoarang (a.k.a Bob) , Kazuya (makes purring sound uh scratch that ^^*), Jun (Queen of purity), and Jin (Almost every girl that has a Tekken web site is about Jin or Hwoarang and I don't blame 'em ^.~ )

Likes: Her PS2, DVD's, Hot topic, Spencers, The Simpsons, Far Side Comics, Horror stories, the Las Vegas Strip, Pizza!, Chinese food preferably Panda Express, Gory vid games, the internet, traveling, when it rains (I love those beautiful gray skies! it doesn't rain much in the desert -_-;), reading fan-fics (good writers out there *coughSaiyanRagecough*), talking to people, cooking (I'm no Martha Stuart but I don't suck that bad!), and The beloved king goober of the hill. :*)
Dislikes: Chicks that dress like they got the body of a God of course they do BUDDAH! Wear more make up than Ronald Mc Donald *clown horn sound*, Preps (ARGH! DIE! DIE! DIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!), dresses (that includes skirts), stuck up people, backstabbers, and to top it off THE EVIL EYE LINER DIE (wannabes too)!


Okay 2 atoms were walking down the street one of them fell down and the other atom asked the one that fell down "Hey dude are you okay?" "Yeah duded Im fine just lost an electron" the atom replied. "U sure," the atom asked. The atom answered "Positive." Hahahaha *SNORT* urm heh.